Pipe insulation Jurong - An Overview

Pipe Insulation Review Singapore
Polish up the standard of insulation works
Pipe insulation is an essential component in your facility and workplaces. In addition, this is not only to keep the employees safe, but it can also help maintain the process temperature. Therefore, choose the proper insulation will beneficial to the company.

Pipe insulation review

Pipe insulation review providing by Shun Engineering Pte Ltd Singapore. In addition, piping insulation work is one of the high insulation needs in Singapore. For instance, piping re-insulation, dismantling and re-insulating, repairing damaged piping, environment improvement, and more. Similarly, we provide several types of piping insulation services depending on our client facilities and environment application needs. Furthermore, our practice is to arrange a certified inspector to visit the client’s facilities to check the pipe jacketing thickness and application requirement. We also promise our clients that all the insulation work achieves the highest safety level. In other words, the pipe insulation work must comply with the safety standard.

Pipe insulation service in Jurong Singapore by Shun Engineering
Piping Insulation repair & maintenance
Specialize in
We realize a specific location of piping can damage in a short time. Therefore, we provide pipe insulation repair and maintenance services to our clients every year. Similarly, we monitor closely on their system. In other words, if the pipe is faulty, we will repair the faulty area on time, the insulated system can have more extended durability. For instance, a few years ago, we have a client who overlooked the pipe insulation system, which caused the whole piping process line to break down due to the temperature inconsistent. The place of the area due to temperature fluctuation caused the pipe ware and tare. As a result, the whole piping has to re-structure and re-insulate the new one, and this took them to stop production for one month.

Piping insulation services
In addition, pipe insulation service is also part of thermal insulation. Is proper pipe insulation important to every company? Yes, very important. Why? For instance, some clients like big manufacturing companies are more concerned about safety, as the original piping before insulate can have a specific temperature in the piping while running process. Even so, some of the process piping temperatures can reach up to 200 Deg C or above. Comparatively, Boiling water is only up to 100 Deg C. Can you imagine if employees sit on the piping surface without insulating? Valid case, is possible, as in big manufacturing companies the manpower turn over rate is high. Fresh employees never know the pipe is hot. Therefore, proper insulate is essential to every workspace.

Pipe insulation service in Singapore Jurong by Shun 2021 SG
Important of proper insulation
The benefit of insulation can be endless if properly installed. But, unfortunately, if the insulation is not insulated correctly, it can harm your process. Therefore, many manufacturing companies and shipyard vessels require all the piping to be insulated. Why? The first benefit of pipe insulation is energy saving. While the piping is running, the fluctuation and vibration levels were going up from time to time. Without pipe insulation and jacketing, the heat transfer needs high electricity to maintain the daily routine. In addition, correct pipe insulation can also reduce the noise level. However, at the same time, when the noise level is high, the fluctuation can increase and potentially shorten the life cycle of piping. Therefore, a correct pipe insulation system can help to extend the life cycle. In other words, when the noise and vibration go down, the process can go smooth and not easily break down.

Customize pipe insulation switch box by Shun Engineering Pte Ltd Singapore
Acoustic insulation
Soundproofing is part of acoustic insulation. In other words, most of the insulation is almost the same. Nevertheless, is important that choose the right insulation material on the pipe to use in the application to achieve a specific benefit. On the contrary, most of the pipes without insulation can be very noisy due to the high demand for the process. In addition, in these few years, from 2018 to 2021, we have many clients that run the manufacturing companies for 20 years, all the pipe needs to be insulated. As of now, the technology is different compare to 20 years ago. They start to know the importance of pipe insulation can help them get more benefits whenever they run the process. For instance, they know how to choose the suitable jacketing material and jacketing material to apply on their piping process line.

Certfied insulators advice
in pipe insulation
As a result, what is the effective way to prevent heat loss or heat gain happen? Most of the end-user will think that increase calibration of the temperature controller will be a good solution, this is not the correct way. However, our certified inspector’s advice is, pipe insulate is only the best way. In addition, 2,000 of the medium and small manufacturing plant piping is fully insulated and performs maintenance every year. similarly, this number keeps increasing. Why? In other words, they understand the importance of pipe insulation. The correct method of insulating can help to minimize the temperature variation change. If using the certain safety standard approved material, it can achieve fire protection at the same time. Therefore, we always share the proper knowledge with the facility owner. consequently, after some time, they can see the result: pipe insulating is helpful to their process.

Proper pipe insulation services in Singapore by Shun Engineering
Benefit of pipe insulation
What are the benefit ?

Maintains process temperature
Minimize temperature variation and fluctuation
Reduced level of vibration and noise
Fire protection
Freezing protection
Prevents condensation
Energy-saving (Ensure)
Piping insulation Singapore - Shun Engineering Pte Ltd Jurong Singapore
Our services cover
Shun Engineering
What is included in our services?

One year limited warranty
Insulate by Certified Insulators
Shift work available
Calculation of thickness
Calibrated tools
Shun Engineering Singapore Jurong
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Company Address – Shun Engineering Pte Ltd, 5 Soon Lee Street, #05-58 Pioneer Point, Singapore 627 607

Any question?
We love to hear any pipe Pipe insulation review insulation inquiry on the island of Singapore. Typically all the questions will reply within one hour. During this pandemic of covid-19, please take care.

Contact information

Mr.Eric Chuar (Marketing Manager)

Email : [email protected]

Mobile : (65) 9018 9084

Whatsapp : Click here send message

Fax : (65) 6265 9973


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